Meet Our Chefs/Owners
Randolph Sprinkle (aka "Sprinkles") is a graduate of the prestigious culinary school, The Culinary Institute of America in New York. Sprinkle has traveled and cooked all over the world including New Orleans and Venezuela. He opened several restaurants in New Orleans-LA, Pittsburgh-PA and Saint Michaels-MD. In 2010 he moved to the Outer Banks with then fiancé, Amanda Wolf. Sprinkle worked as the Sous Chef for a resort in Duck. He then helped open an Italian restaurant in Corolla before opening his very own restaurant, The Saltbox Cafe in Colington. He married Amanda in September 2014. Sprinkle has won several awards including: two-time champion in the Saint Michael's Chili Cook-off, placed in the Saint Michael's Crab Cook-off, winner of The Silver Spoon Award and several Gold & Silver Medals in AFC Competitions. Over the last six years, Sprinkle and his wife, have brought home over twenty five awards and medals from competing in local competitions. Sprinkle has also worked with famed chef, Emeril Lagasse and has cooked for the James Beard House twice.
Amanda Lee Wolf Sprinkle (aka "Sprinklet") has received her AA in Culinary Arts and BA in Culinary and Hospitality Management in Maryland. She has worked side-by-side with Sprinkle for over 11 years. Amanda taught Culinary Arts to children and adults at Chesapeake College-MD, worked in restaurants in Saint Michael's-MD and throughout the Outer Banks. As an animal lover, she is an avid vegetarian and has keen interest in vegan cooking techniques. Amanda focuses on Asian and Indian cuisine and of course her famed, desserts (yes, vegan desserts too!).
Meet The Saltbox Crew! Fun, fresh and innovative food with great service!